Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm looking at my metal table lamp which has been lit the entire day...
been reading evolutionary psychology, which would have promised more fun if not for the fact that i have to study if for exams..
counting the number of bugs that fly into the lamp that's too hot for me to touch and singe themselves to death..
i wonder if you can stop them from flying into the lamp...
why do they, when the eventual outcome is death? and a horrible one at that..
the green bugs that colonise the ceiling above my bed are back, they seem to only appear when it's going to rain the next day..
and the roomie's still laughing hysterically over some japanese drama.. i don't understand how one can laugh so hard over shows.. but now i've met one.. sometimes it gets on my nerves but it all comes with sharing rooms.. and it's almost the end of it anyway.. i'm just thankful cos it could have been much worse..

1 comment:

cookie_monster said...

i see u are getting emo over..
greenie bugs.hahaha my stupid desk lamp died AGAIN.
so im studyingin school
life sucks
but not anymore after this week!!!